Our Services

Basics : Maps & Data

The first step in changing the way you use road salt is getting a comprehensive understanding of the sites you manage. That's why our Basics Package provides you with a starting place to begin your journey.

Site Maps

A clear and informative high-quality map can save your crews time, increase the quality of service you provide your clients, and serve as a foundation for communication and service expectations with your client and their tenants. CONSALT will provide you with maps for your team and your clients, and be there to support you as the details of your maps change. If you're interested in having us map your portfolio, please reach out to us for a quote!

Portfolio-Wide Data

When we create your maps, we also generate a wealth of data about the sites that you manage, and your portfolio as a whole. As part of our Basics Package, we provide you a comprehensive analysis of your sites to go along with the data that your sales and operations teams can use to streamline their processes. We also offer custom solutions to improve data collection, organization and analysis. Please reach out to us for a free consultation to learn more.

Marketing and Communication

In addition to professional maps and meaningful data, we will provide you and your team with marketing and educational information to pass along to your clients. We want to help showcase that your business cares about the environment that it helps to manage, and invested in finding innovative and sustainable ways forward. Getting buy-in from your clients is an important part of the process of reducing your road salt use, and we will ensure that you are prepared to have these conversations.

Consulting Services

On top of our basic services, we offer our expertise to your business to help you be as prepared as possible for whatever comes your way. Whether you are navigating the ever changing technology, regulatory or environmental landscape, CONSALT can help your business grow and stabilize.


The key to strong data collection, analysis and growth is a well-oiled administrative process. Let us help you develop systematic, automated and thoughtful processes to get the most out of your business. We will meet with your administrative and accounting teams to find ways to make their lives easier, and to increase the resilience and redundancy of your business. Please reach out to us for a free consultation.


There are countless technology and software solutions available in the winter maintenance industry that can help streamline your operation and reduce your material and labour costs, as well as your overhead. Let us identify the tools that will best fit your business. Whether it is the implementation of advanced salt tracking technologies, the installation of remote monitoring stations, or an audit of your internal software solutions, CONSALT will help guide you to a more systematic, profitable and data-oriented way of operating your business. Please reach out to us for a free consultation.


In the current insurance marketplace, contractors are under the constant threat of unexpected costs due to slip and fall claims and skyrocketing insurance premiums. Let us help you prepare your business to weather this uncertainty, and reduce your exposure to astronomical rate increases and deductibles. Please reach out to us for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you address this existential threat to your business.

Other Services

Though our core services involve mapping, data analysis and consulting, we are also eager to engage in any way that we can to combat the issue of road salt pollution and freshwater salinization. We outline below a few of these services. If you don't find what you're looking for, please reach out to us to inquire about what you are looking for.

Education and Outreach

At CONSALT we believe that one of the most important parts of combatting the problem of road salt pollution is education and communication. Only once businesses, governments and individuals understand the scope of the problem can they begin to address it and push for the necessary changes. That's why we have dedicated a section of our website to highlighting how we as a society can becoming #LessSalty, and why we offer seminars and outreach sessions to teach members of the community about what they can do. If you're interested in having us conduct a seminar, please reach out to us!

Training and Recruiting

Once a strong foundation of administrative processes supported by software and technology solutions has been developed, the next phase of the process happens in the field. Let our team direct you to the most comprehensive and insightful training programs available, and connect you with leaders in the industry who can help your employees grow into their roles, and buy into the companies vision. Please reach out to us for a free consultation to learn more.

Is there something you were looking for that you couldn't find? We pride ourselves on our ability to problem solve, to connect you with the solutions you need, and to work with you until you are comfortable with the path you are on. If you'd like to discuss a service not listed above, please reach out to us via our website, our social media or by phone, and we will be happy to discuss how we can be of service!